Six Weeks Filming the Heart of Taiwan’s Presidential Election
December 2023 – January 2024
About TaiwanLegit
In 2022, TaiwanLegit created the Michigan for Ukraine fundraiser, where we connected with our local community, raised over $20,000 USD, traveled inside war torn Ukraine, delivered assistance, and connected children from Ukraine to children in Michigan with our Pen-Pal Program. This effort was lead by our founding principal… supporting freedom and human rights. In 2024, TaiwanLegit will position itself to lobby and advocate in full support of these principals while emphasizing an American values-based global posture. We will connect with private industry leaders, organizations, schools, universities, and government agencies. But before we approach this next step in our mission, we will find ourselves on location, in the heart of Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election, to bring the stories of the Taiwanese people back to the USA, and advocate on behalf of their legitimacy and peaceful existence.